Found Lost Engagement Ring Cronulla Beach

G,day Guys👍
Today Michael Oliver from received a lost gold engagement ring call out from Cronulla beach. The owner Jessica lost her ring while playing with her children in waist deep water on the low tide. Jessica lost her ring just yesterday and her husband called booked in the search and within the hour we were on location organising where the search area is exactly. Today we used the Minelab Excalibur ll Underwater metal detector to search for the lost ring. After an hour search and 1,000 bottle caps and pull tabs picked up, we come across a low tone and Bingo we are on the Gold. A beautiful Gold Engagement Ring That was dearly missed by his wife was found and reunited with Jessica❤️ Jessica was very grateful for our efforts as they both thought there’s no way we can find rings in the ocean UNDERWATER 💦 if you lose a ring we can find it over 50% of our recoveries are in the water 💦💍👍

Support me in my journey of keeping our parks and waterways trash free and help people find and reunite with their beloved lost belongings along the way.

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Lost your ring?

Chances are it is here at LJR, waiting for you to claim. If not, I am more than happy to help locate it.

If you have lost your item on this beach, give me call and answer the following questions to clarify you as the rightful owner.

  • Is it engraved/not engraved? If engraved, what does the engraving say?
  • Is it Gold, Silver, Platinum, Diamonds etc? Carat?
  • Location where this item was lost?
  • Clear description of the item.
  • Picture of you wearing the item.
  • Purchase receipt.

LJR looks forward to your call and I personally look forward to meeting you and returning your beloved item.


If you make a false claim it is considered as stealing and legal action can be taken.