Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Worldwide Metal Detecting Services 0434 985 992 has received a call for a lost gold chain with a beautiful gold ring attached to this chain. The owner explained she was swimming in the shallow waters of Maroubra Beach and didn't realise she had lost her chain till she got home. Not knowing what to do or who to call she reached out to friends who said contact Michael Oliver from Lost Jewellery Recovery. After speaking with the owner I advised that I search for her lost gold chain tonight as water recoveries in rip tide beaches are vital to do as soon as possible. Owner was stoked and we agreed to meet at Maroubra beach straight after this call, Now on Maroubra Beach at 10:00PM its a beautiful night the owner explains the search area of where she swam, I then said its NOT a crazy big search area and surf conditions are BIG I'm confident in finding your lost chain tonight. using the XP Deus ll metal Detector, I set up the marking pole and start the grid line search, In the water for 15 minutes now no targets which is good it's a clean area to metal detect making the search more fast paced. 45 minutes later I get the ONLY T.ID signal in the mid range it's what I expect as this chain has a ring attached to it, I look over to the owner and said its the ONLY target so far and she sound bloody good to be honest!! I proceed to dig the target, it was still shallow. Watching the sand sift through my shovel in the water I see the beautiful Glimmer of GOLD!! I scream out, she's in the scoop!! the owner runs straight into the water giving me a big hug with tears of joy she was so very grateful, Thank you Michael than you!! you are most welcome, we then get out of the water and get dried it's past 11:00PM now I asked where did you park, I walked she replied. The owner lives a few km's from Maroubra Beach, I said It's way too far to walk at this time of night, jump in my car I can drop you off. I'd feel better knowing you got home safe.
Here at LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY we provide BOTH land and underwater metal detecting services with SUCCESS rates over 90%, If it's in the location provided I will find it. We don't just focus on metal detecting services as most people who lose something precious to them are NOT in the best state of mind going through immense stress and emotions I feel responsible to NOT only find their lost item BUT to reassure the owner before I get to location that everything is ok, enjoy your day at the beach i'll be there very soon to find what you lost. This makes a world of difference to owners❤️
I can find anything Metallic and if it's not metallic I still have ideas on how to find your lost items like, mobiles, i phones, wallets, bags, Watches, Lost Rings, Wedding Rings, Lost Engagement Ring, Bracelets, Necklaces even hearing aids. I have found 5 ROLEX'S to date one of them valued at $100,000 the owner was very much grateful to get this beautiful ROLEX WATCH back to him. We have a lock up full of lost treasures we hope to get back to owners, If your reading this post PLEASE share lost jewellery recovery with your friends and family as we could have items they have lost in our lock up waiting to be claimed❤️💦💍👍