Michael Oliver from Lost Jewellery Recovery received 5 metal detecting service call outs for lost wedding rings from Lady Martin's Beach, Coogee Beach, Bondi Beach, Whale Beach and Bronte Beach. I got to all 5 locations of the rings being lost within the hour as time is PRIORITY for SUCCESSFUL searches. All 5 rings have been found thanks to the owners putting me in the correct search areas. Lost Jewellery Recovery has recovered hundreds of lost wedding rings for owners over the years, I metal detect both on land and underwater. This is NOT my JOB, This is my LIFE. I metal detect FULL-TIME and have a lock up full of lost treasures waiting for YOU the owners to claim.
This lost wedding ring was a tricky search as the thick floating mass of sea grass made metal detecting underwater a good work out on my arm. 30 minutes into this metal detector search i've found a few lead sinkers, coins and bottle tops all common things to find when on a search for lost jewellery, now 45 minutes into the metal detecting search I get a great T.ID signal on my XP Deus ll metal Detector, as I dig the target my shovel was full of rocks and sand, as the sand drains from my shovel I see this beautiful glimmer of gold and BINGO we are on the GOLD. I rush out of the water to catch the owner before he catches his plane to Byron Bay for the next few days.
I'm just in time to hand the ring back to the owner and he cannot believe his eyes and truly thought a ring lost in the ocean is gone forever, I replied NOT at all mate. The ocean is my playground, in fact I feel more at home metal detecting underwater then I do on land haha. Check out my YouTube channel: Michael Oliver, I LOVE the OCEAN and everything in it.
Here at Lost Jewellery Recovery we are also a LOST AND FOUND SERVICE, and highly recommend you contact us if you or anyone you know has ever lost anything special, I understand the feeling of a lost wedding ring and the unfortunate complications it can bring to a marriage, especially newly wed's can take this loss pretty hard and it's our responsibility and pleasure to get every ring back to it's RIGHTFUL owner SUCCESSFULLY.