BIGGEST Treasure Chests!! Gold Found Under Marion's Father's House

Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Metal Detecting Services received a call 0434 985 992 from Marion's son, This is the MOST interesting call I have received this year 2024. See Channel 9 News Report HERE I was transferred over to Marion, the daughter of the owner of the house, Marion's father who unfortunately passed away a few years ago, our condolences. While speaking with Marion on the phone, she stated her father spoke of their families jewellery is not safe in the house as they were previously robbed of much of the family's Jewellery. Marion's father took what's left of the jewellery and had hidden it under the house as he thought it's safer under the house than inside it. We had 2 manholes we could squeeze into the first hole Marion said is easy to open BUT where we think my father put the jewellery is closer to the sealed manhole. I went over to the house for a quick inspection and had concerns as my mate Max and I would have to cut into the floor boards as her father did a great job sealing up the manhole. The house was sold and we were running out of time to perform this search. I asked Marion to give me a day to get all the tools together to make this a SUCCESSFUL Metal Detecting search. The following day we meet Marion at the property, we have our XP Deus ll Metal Detector and Quest X-Pointer pro Metal Detectors along with power tools to cut into the floor.  It took 10 minutes to open the manhole, the first thing we see is the cloth in the hole that Marion's father used to lay down on when he crawled under the house to bury their Gold.  We pulled out the cloth and Max was first down the hole, I suffer from Claustrophobia and had a few tears of fear rolling down my face. I was Terrified to be honest, Max reassured me the hole will be ok to get back out of, It's just a mental barrier. I squeezed into the crawl space in and out 5 times over till I was confident, now we crawl on our bellies through the dirt and dust covered in spider webs as we metal detect the search area. 30 minutes into the search and NOTHING!! The dust was intense. We crawled out of the hole to let the dust settle. By this time I have acclimated myself to this tiny space and now more EXCITED than claustrophobic to get back down the hole as Marion stated (I know what's in the box as my father showed me the Jewellery we had left, BUT I never knew where he had hidden it under the house. He did say it's in that general direction, that's it)  Max and I squeeze back into the manhole continuing our search where we left off, ONLY TO FIND  many rusty nails and metal off cuts and building materials left under the house from when it was built. Another 30 minutes passed by and to our surprise I spotted a plastic bag partially exposed, INSTANTLY I knew deep down we had found the lost treasure, I screamed out to Max (we found it) Max was NOT convinced till we opened the Box. We said to each other what if there's more down there? I double checked the area and to my surprise, There is another box and this one is BIGGER and heavier. I scream out to Max again (there's another bigger box down here and I can see coins inside it) We climb out from under the house really bloody EXCITED I told Max this is a find of a LIFETIME there's thousands of dollars in gold in these boxes. Max and I rushed out of the house while Marion waited in the car. We had a straight face, Marion said I Guess you didn't find anything and we said ACTUALLY WE DID!! Marion jumped in joy and asked WHAT DID YOU FIND?  I said we found 2 boxes of jewellery NOT the one box Marion first thought.  We take Marion back into the house and start opening the bags the boxes were in and WOW, I've never seen so much gold in one place. Marion is explaining all the gold rings to us and which family members they belonged to. My personal favourite was the AFRICAN Gold coins that weighed one once each of 24k gold when i picked it up it felt like I was holding a concrete brick we were all so EXCITED and it took me over an hour to photograph all of the gold jewellery, there were RARE gemstones and diamonds many gold ring and gold chains, ear rings and tiny gold pendants. We hit the JACKPOT as Marion explained other family members tried to find their families jewellery with no luck over the years and this was our last chance, we decided to bring in the professionals we didn't know who to trust BUT you Michael Oliver came highly recommended from many people. Marion was so excited and grateful over 40 years and 2 generations of the family's jewellery has been reunited. Channel 9 News covered this story on the 6pm news and the following day I did a live interview with channel 9 speaking about how we reunited over 40 years of lost treasures back to Marion Here at LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY we have helped over 1,000 people now performing lost jewellery recoveries over many years and the ONLY reason we are so bloody good at what we do is simple, Metal detecting is NOT our JOB, it's our PASSION. We LIVE to Metal Detect, Finding and reuniting lost treasures with owners is what we do best❤️💦💍👍


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Lost your ring?

Chances are it is here at LJR, waiting for you to claim. If not, I am more than happy to help locate it.

If you have lost your item on this beach, give me call and answer the following questions to clarify you as the rightful owner.

  • Is it engraved/not engraved? If engraved, what does the engraving say?
  • Is it Gold, Silver, Platinum, Diamonds etc? Carat?
  • Location where this item was lost?
  • Clear description of the item.
  • Picture of you wearing the item.
  • Purchase receipt.

LJR looks forward to your call and I personally look forward to meeting you and returning your beloved item.


If you make a false claim it is considered as stealing and legal action can be taken.