Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Metal Detecting Services 0434 985 992 had the CRAZIEST Christmas!! I've been called out all day for lost rings on Coogee Beach, Lost Phone on Tamarama Beach a lost Cartier love Bangle at Bronte Beach followed by 2 lost rings on Bondi Beach.
That Night I get a call from Angela who lost a very special Canturi Ring with a whopping VALUE of $18,300 WOW!! More importantly this ring was given to her by her husband which holds a deeper more sentimental value❤️
Angela explained she came down to the beach went for a very short swim then sat down back at the grass where she already searched the area for over 2 hours, Angela was understandably stressed and feeling. I reassured her NOT to worry your ring is somewhere and I my pleasure to find it. Angela asked should we search tomorrow in the day light? or can you search in the water in the dark Michael? I replied, I'm most happy to search tonight.
An hour after our call I'm geared up on the Beach at Nielsen Park Sydney with Angela. She explains the search area then Angela asked do you think you can find my lost ring Michael? I said YES of course, if the ring is here I will find it even in the dark does NOT make a difference to me as I search by sound all I need is the stars and moon light. This beach is tidal there are NO rips or strong water currents to make me think your ring will not be found.
10 minutes into the search I get a few bottle caps NOTHING EXCITING yet, 15 minutes later I get a beautiful reading on my XP Deus ll Metal Detector. Come up as an 80 on the T.ID reading I knew this was a coin or the beautiful lost Canturi ring. just as the ferries and boats are passing I let the water settle down as the waves came in, a few seconds later I dig the Target and slowly watch the sand sift from my shover in the water and BINGO we all slowly see the shimmer of gold and Diamonds 💎 WOW thats one of the biggest ring I've seen this year!! Angela jumping with joy and excitement screaming Michael I can't believe you found my ring, I am so happy right now you are amazing thank you Michael. you must make a lot of people happy and you provide such a great service sorry to call you out so late, I replied it's my pleasure you have such a beautiful ring I'm most happy I can get her back to you❤️